Dogs, cats, horses, goats, birds, alpacas and lizards have all received and benefited from Reiki treatment given by Ann.
Receiving Reiki feels very good, so animals are happy to receive this gentle, comforting and warm feeling energy treatment that translates into feeling safe and loved. Reiki is deeply relaxing and calming; naps and snoring are possible and not discouraged.
"I've never met an animal who doesn't love Reiki"
Reiki goes to the root cause of imbalance. Imbalance may show itself as illness, anxiety, behavioral issues.
Reiki alleviates or diminishes pain, accelerates healing and supports a being in its process, including transitions.
As with humans, Reiki treatment includes hands on treatment and distance treatments.
Distance treatments are remote, so the giver and receiver are distant in the same space or in different locations, no matter the distance.
Reiki distance treatments are a wonderful option when a behavioral issue prevents hands on treatment. Reiki will also address the behavioral issue.
Distance treatment is given when an animal is going to be under stress, for instance, while traveling, recovering from medical procedures and separated from family.
Reiki distance treatment is also a great way to help animals and birds living in the wild. Distance treatment requires no human interaction between the giver and receiver.
Hands on treatment and distance treatment are by appointment and in emergency when needed.
Hands on treatment is sixty minutes, depending upon the situation and is usually in the animal's familiar habitat for a fee of $85.
Distance treatment is ninety minutes to two hours depending upon the need level, for a fee of $75.